Adobe Lightroom CC Fix

After importing my latest dive photos, my Lightroom CC desktop app (different from Lightroom Classic, although “classic” also has two C’s) was crashing on start-up with the standard “Something has gone wrong, send Adobe a report” dialog. The app crashed before I was able to do anything, so I was concerned I would have to wait for an update.

However, I remembered that there is a web UI for Lightroom that I use occasionally! You can access it by navigating to and logging in. Once I logged in, I was able to delete the files I had just imported and then clear them from All Photos > Deleted. Once I did this, the app was able to start up again and I imported the files again without issue. I suspect this same approach would probably work with mobile apps, so that could be worth a try too.

That’s it! Hopefully this helps someone out there.